Paris is the city of love, light and happiness! If you decide to come here, you will be met with a great atmosphere, aesthetic pleasure in the form of beautiful architecture (which we will consider in more detail from the point of view of feng shui in this article) and just calmness, a feeling as if time has stopped and there is only here and now. 

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But before we start looking at and delving into the eye-pleasing constructions, which definitely have the harmony of the surrounding space, let’s stop for a moment on how to get to Paris. As it is one of the most densely populated cities in the world and also one of the most visited by tourists – it is quite easy to run into scammers just by flying there. Or tourists often have problems with the language, because the local population of Paris often prefer to hear only French, not everyone can perfectly understand English. Therefore, to minimise all the risks, we advise you to order Orly airport transfers (this airport is one of the main ones, which receives a huge number of people every year). By ordering a transfer in atob, you will save financially, but you will not lose comfort. Great choice + many additional options + fixed price + professionally trained English-speaking driver + other advantages = Atob Transfer. 

Now let’s get to the main topic. We will look at the Louvre from the point of view of feng shui and Paris itself in general. 

A few words about Feng Shui in general + its origins

What is it? It is a Taoist practice that combines philosophical and religious ideas to help you organise your space in such a way that you can find favourable flows and use them for human benefit. The basis to be understood is the Qi energy that permeates everything in this world (remember that). So, gradually accumulating ancient knowledge, the Chinese came up with the concept of Feng Shui, which translates as (wind and water). The first and very serious work on the subject was the book “The Book of Burial”, which described favourable landscape locations for burial. Why was this so? Because the Chinese believed that the well-being of the afterlife and the prosperity of future generations depended on proper burial. 

Remember we asked you to remember the Qi energy? Well, in feng shui it is of great importance where the Qi energy comes from (this is indicated on a special Chinese compass). Each character on this compass shows the quality of energy at a particular point in space (or even in a person). This helps to determine whether the place you are in is harmonious or not.

The Louvre (and the Louvre Pyramid)

Opens this list, one of the most famous museums in the world, and Paris proper. It is worth considering the Louvre itself, its pyramid and looking at them from the point of view of architectural feng shui prism and biolocation. 

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So, we can notice that the entrance to the Louvre (new) is pyramid-shaped, in feng shui it means the element of fire. We can conclude that here contains the maximum amount of yang energy, stimulates a commanding presence and a great energetic impulse. It also provides a great creative cycle of elemental support, all this because there are two main elements in the Louvre’s structural foundation: the overall structure of the museum (earth) and the new entrance to the pyramid (water). If you decide to enter the pyramid, it will awaken a lot of Yin-Yang energy due to the relationship between the past and the present (from a medieval fortress to the world’s most popular museum in the present). One last thing I would like to add is that the Louvre is the place where the connection between earth and heaven (in terms of metaphysics) is found.

Now let’s have a few words about the history of this construction: the Louvre was commissioned by the Franusian government to reduce traffic flow and create comfort for visitors to the city. The project itself consisted of 6 objects: one large pyramid (it is now the main entrance to the Louvre), three above-ground pyramids that are slightly smaller and two small inverted ones. Just a tip: buy a pass to the museum or book tickets in advance to get in without queuing. 

Alternative thoughts about Louvre

Definitely, the Louvre is very mysterious and interesting. But the meanings of its form, or rather, the symbolic meaning of this form can be quite different (it all depends on who you are in dialogue with). For example, there are pyramids in Egypt – their practical purpose was that they were used as burial tombs + had a very high power status. When the entrance to the Louvre was built, everyone had this information about the meaning and symbolism of the pyramids in Egypt – that’s why at the time, for that reason, the Louvre was not very well received by the public. It was simply called a symbol of death, compared to the pyramids in Cairo. 

And if we are talking about inverted pyramids, they have absolutely also acquired their regios and mystical interpretation, different, but some people may also say that it is connected more with negative symbolic hints.

A few words for Paris in general + a bit of history. 

So, let’s discuss the meridian line that runs through Paris. The very origin of the term “meridian line” is from the Latin Meridies (noon, which helps determine the path to the sun). As each country in this world developed, they established their own meridian lines in order to create navigational charts and keep track of them. The development of French cartography during the reign of Louis 14, helped to define the shape of the Earth much more accurately using mathematical measurements (this was the arc measurement method). On this basis, the arc of the Paris meridian became the main meridian line of France (and some other parts of Europe), for a very long time. Then, after that there was an international meridian conference (1884) where only one main zero point of the world was chosen, where it was decided that the main mediator of the world would be Greenwich, London. France was not very agree with it, but in 1911 adopted such rules. 

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But it is worth noting that it was thanks to the French that the metric system became the world standard for the measurement of the prime meridian. And even in spite of the fact that the Paris median arch is theoretical and conventional – it can be traced in the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe and so on. 

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