Placing More Than One Feng Shui Bamboo Plant in House

Dear Kartar: Is it okay to have more than one bamboo plant in your house? I have 2 bathrooms and would like to place a 9 stalk bamboo plant in each bathroom. Thank you. Answer: You asked about having bamboo placed in your bathrooms and the simple answer to that is that it is fine…

Feng Shui of Hanging Paintings of Nature in Bedroom

Dear Kartar: Is it good or bad to hang paintings of gardens and flowers and trees in the bedroom? Answer: You asked if it is good or bad feng shui to hang pictures of flowers and gardens in a bedroom. Firstly, whether it is the bedroom location or another part of the house, it should…

Feng Shui of Placing a Small Plant in Bedroom

Dear Kartar: Can I put a small plant in my bedroom to help clean the air? Have read that it’s very good while sleeping to cleanse the air. I do have my windows open slightly all year round for circulation. If ok where to place it? Answer: You asked about having a plant in your bedroom and…

Relationship Between Feng Shui and Lucky Numbers

Dear Kartar: What are my lucky numbers and colors? I was born 1983 so I am a water pig. Thanks and regards! Answer: You asked what your lucky numbers are and your best colors.  These are two topics which are barely associated with Feng Shui, or Chinese astrology. You’ve asked these questions on a Feng Shui website,…

Does an Elevator Affect the Feng Shui Area of Love?

Dear Kartar: My living room shares a wall with an elevator. This wall is in the southeast side of the apartment. According to me and my boyfriends KUA Number, southeast is the area of love. Any suggestions? Answer: Your question about the elevator, the direction, and your KUA puts several different Feng Shui concepts or…

Feng Shui of Garage Door Aligned with Front Door

Dear Kartar: Is it ok when entering a home & seeing a door that leads to a garage right when you walk into a home? The door leading to the garage overlaps the front door a little bit. Answer: You asked if it is okay to see your garage door when entering your home  through the main…

Feng Shui Bed Placement Case Studies

Case Study #1 Dear Kartar: I am Kua number 3. My bedroom is in the southeast of the house. But in order to place my bed in the command position, the headboard is orientated southwest, which is my obstacles direction. Can you please suggest a remedy. Please note that the southeast wall (the only auspicious…

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